Peng Wu, PhD, is the recipient of 2020 Horace S. Isbell Award

The Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry (CARB) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced that Peng Wu, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Molecular Medicine, is the recipient of the 2020 Horace S. Isbell Award. Given to scientists under the age of 45, the Isbell Award “acknowledges excellence in and promise of continued quality of contribution to research in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry.” Wu and his laboratory team at Scripps Research discovered that an enzyme, fucosyltransferase, has the ability to transfer antibodies to surface molecules on cancer cells. They are using this insight to develop “antibody-cell conjugates” that locate and destroy aggressive breast cancer cells in mouse models. Wu will receive his award at the 2020 Spring ACS national meeting in Philadelphia where he will also give an award lecture.

Peng Wu, PhD