From toast to toast

A bevy of celebrations honor Scripps Research’s newest Nobel laureate 

Champagne all around 

Neuroscientist Ardem Patapoutian, PhD, who won the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine on Oct. 4, was toasted later the same day by Scripps Research President and CEO Peter Schultz, PhD, lab members and Dorris Neuroscience Center colleagues. 

A Nobel gathering

The campus congregated Oct. 7 to raise a glass to Patapoutian. Schultz lauded Patapoutian and numerous other researchers for recent prestigious accolades and Patapoutian read a poem he wrote for the occasion. 

Homeland honor 

A native of Beirut, Patapoutian was awarded the National Order of Merit by the President of the Republic of Lebanon during a ceremony at Scripps Research on Oct. 26. Wael Hachem, chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of Lebanon in Washington, D.C., presented the award. Jamie Williamson, PhD, executive vice president of Research and Academic Affairs, welcomed nearly 40 guests and later led them in a champagne toast. Other speakers were Hollis Cline, PhD, chair of the Department of Neuroscience, and Nancy Hong, Patapoutian’s wife. 

Nobel at night

On Dec. 11, nearly 150 invited guests enjoyed a reception and a concert in the Scripps Research Auditorium featuring Spanish guitar luminaries The Romeros. The red carpet fete was given in Patapoutian’s honor when COVID-19 resulted in the cancellation of the formal Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden.

Commendable toast

California State Assembly member Chris Ward, 78th District, presented Patapoutian with an Assembly Resolution Jan. 21 on the Scripps Research campus. Ward commended Patapoutian for his “significant scientific contributions across the globe and meritorious service to humanity.”